Gleam Weekly by @CrowdhailerIssue #11
This week in Gleam

Gleam 1.2.0 release - Fault tolerant Gleam
We've got fault tolerant compilation, language server improvements, improved formatting for pipes and more.

Kielet 2.0.0 - A GNU Gettext implementation
translate your Gleam or BEAM application without needing to change its source code or recompile it.

Gloogle - Search through all public gleam packages
In Gloogle, you can search in functions and types by; their names, their signatures or their documentation.

Even more great Gleam stuff

The Ultimate Guide to Gleam Concurrency. Video

Gleam JSON 2.0 is faster using erlangs built-in JSON library. Project update

Brainf**k interpreter in Gleam. Educational

Convert HTML into Lustre automatically. Project update

Share your own Gleam news

That's all for this week, have a lovely day.
@Crowdhailer (or on Bluesky) from Gleam Weekly

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